Lifestyle, Mental Health, Skin

What’s going on – Update

First and most importantly, thank you to all those who showed me so much love based on the last entry.  It was a bit of a rough patch, but I have some news.  I got my results back from the doctor, and amazingly enough, everything came back normal.

*heavy sigh*

Now please, don’t get me wrong here.  I am very happy that there isn’t something seriously wrong.  I don’t wish I had PCOS or a thyroid problem.  But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t upset that I didn’t get some sort of an answer from those tests.  The only reason I’m upset is because I’m still throwing punches in the dark.

On the even brighter side, my skin has been pretty clear since going through Whole30 and the first 10 days post-Whole30.  I even had a beer!!  And no (major) problems!  Two small cystic acne spots on my jaw, but they’re small and don’t hurt, so it’s okay.  This doesn’t mean I’ll have a beer every night or anything, but it is a really nice relief to know that if I have some bread or beer every once in awhile, on very special occasions, I’m not going to regret it the next day.

However, while my skin has cleared up pretty well, my stomach/digestive system has been ALL sorts of whacked out.  My doctor told me I should see a GI doctor to talk about it, and I’m considering it.  I don’t know how to research a GI doctor that won’t automatically give me an antibiotic.  We’ll see. I think my next attempt at understanding what’s going on is to have a food tolerance test done, like the Pinner Test.  But I have to save up all my pennies for that one.  I’ll keep you updated on that.  For now, I’m avoiding onions (particularly raw onions) as much as possible, and maintaining the gluten free diet.

Keep the good thoughts coming friends, I can use all the help I can get!!

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