Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle, Meditation, Mental Health, Running

New Years Goals 2019

Better late than never, right?

If you’ve been following along for awhile, you’ll know I post my goals for the year here. I like to do this each year for my own accountability. It’s been shown that when you write down your goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. And even further than that, when you share your goals with others, you’re more likely the achieve them. So hey, two birds, one stone by posting my goals here!

For my new friends, I like to say these are goals instead of resolutions, because it’s easier to track your success and you’ll feel more productive as you cross goals off your list. For example, instead of saying “get in shape” or “exercise more,” setting a specific goal like “go for a walk every Monday after work,” or “run in a race each month,” is actually something you can track. I also believe you should set goals that build on goals from the year before. Continue reading “New Years Goals 2019”

Exercise, Fitness, Mental Health, Running


Who is surprised – it’s getting warmer out, and yet again, I’m injured.  It’s the same area causing a problem, which to me says I have a chronic issue with tendonitis in my ankle.  The hardest part of this all – I knew something was wrong, but ignored it for almost two weeks before resting.  Long story short friends, if you notice swelling, get it looked at before it gets any worse. Continue reading “Setbacks”

Diet, Food, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Traveling Europe!

For those who don’t follow me on Instagram (you totally should, btw @journeytoloving.me), last week, I got back from a 2 week adventure through Scotland! As a military brat, I lived there when I was really young (we left when I was 3 years old), and this year there was a reunion for people who were stationed there, so my mom said “let’s do it!”  We stayed in a cute little fishing town on the east coast of Scotland, not far from where we had lived before, and took day trips to see the sights we had done 20+ years ago.  And the best part?  We ate.  A LOT.   Continue reading “Traveling Europe!”

Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Skin

Oil Cleansing

One of the main reasons I started this blog was actually to document the struggle I’ve had with acne over the years. I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had acne since I was 11 years old, and now, as an adult, suffering from cystic acne still, I have been trying every solution I can find.  Long story short, after trying goodness knows how many different face washes and acne treatments you find in a store (with no long-term success) I decided to try natural products.  That led me to learning about essential oils, which then led me down another path toward overall healthy living.  And here we are! Continue reading “Oil Cleansing”

Exercise, Lifestyle, Skin

What’s going on…

Disclaimer, right up front: this topic is a bit tough for me to talk about and it’s a little fresh in my mind, but I knew I wanted to write about it, because it’s a huge step on my path to wellness.  Please keep that in mind if you decide to read on.

Earlier this week, I went to the doctor for an annual check up.  This was a new doctor (new job, new insurance, yay!) so we had to go through medical history and all that.  We came to a question that I honestly don’t even remember now.  But I brought up my on going issues with acne.   Continue reading “What’s going on…”

Lifestyle, Mental Health, Skin

Loving Me

Once again, it’s been quite some time since I’ve last written.  This time the gap has a little more to do with the topic I wanted to write about, and less about the amount of free time I’ve had to write.  

This post has everything to do with the title of this blog.  One of the most difficult obstacles I have come to tackle while on this path towards wellness is not so much an obstacle of fitness, medicines or food, but rather, coming to value myself for who I am, and loving myself. Continue reading “Loving Me”