Lifestyle, Mental Health

Is this thing on?

Hi friends 🙂

It’s been much too long since we’ve chatted, and that’s all me. It’s been a bit of a hectic year for my health, and it’s been hard to get motivated to write here. But instead of giving myself too hard a time about it, I figured no better time than now to connect with you all again!

So big news, I moved to Australia temporarily for work! It’s been almost two months (of three total) and it’s been amazing. I will be honest, that Australia wasn’t top of my list of countries to visit – not to say I wasn’t interested, but there were others at the top of the list. It’s only been two months, but I couldn’t have been more wrong! I am loving it here, and it’s going to be pretty hard to leave. Canberra is a great city, and I’m really enjoying it here. There’s a huge farmers market that happens every Saturday (if you follow along on Instagram, you’ve seen some of my finds there) and tons of cafes. I have really come into my love of coffee here – because let me tell you, Australians know how to make coffee, holy smokes. I am not looking forward to going home and only having Starbucks as my option for coffee. Maybe it’s time to invest in proper tools for making good coffee 🙂 Also, I learned that here, more people go out for breakfast/brunch than they do for dinner. Now you see why I love it here?

Living in the desert is interesting – I haven’t lived in a dry climate in a really long time, and if I thought I needed a lot of water before.. wow. My lips are always dry and it feels like I can never have enough water. But hey, on the plus side, I haven’t had a bad hair day because of humidity in two months. Can you say dream come true?

Biggest plus about coming here now is that I get a second chance at summer. This summer back home was spent in PT all summer, rehabbing my ankle. Now I have a mostly healed ankle, and beautiful weather to enjoy the outdoors. I say mostly, as the doctor said when I left that I was 75-80% better than when I first saw him! Still recovering, but happy to be mostly better. I’ve been running a couple of times here, and have walked insane amounts, but not pushing it too much. I wanted to run a race while here, but we’ll see if I can find a short one.

Probably the main reason I stopped writing here was because I fell back into bad habits and symptoms all came back, and I was just tired. It’s exhausting trying to find a remedy for a problem you can’t identify. But as I experience these symptoms again and feel not so good, I know it’s time to get back on the train and figure it out.

Who’s with me? I can’t do it without your help and support. ❤️

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