Diet, Food, Lifestyle

Traveling with Food Intolerances

Everyone can agree – traveling, especially planning travel, can be really stressful. Add on the stress of dealing with a food intolerance or two, and you could end up dreading travel. Fear not my fellow food intolerant friends! After traveling for the past two weeks, I’ve realized that it’s actually not that bad – and I wanted to share my tips for making the most of vacation without sacrificing your health. Continue reading “Traveling with Food Intolerances”

Lifestyle, Mental Health

Is this thing on?

Hi friends 🙂

It’s been much too long since we’ve chatted, and that’s all me. It’s been a bit of a hectic year for my health, and it’s been hard to get motivated to write here. But instead of giving myself too hard a time about it, I figured no better time than now to connect with you all again! Continue reading “Is this thing on?”

Diet, Food

Homemade Almond Milk (and what to do with the pulp)

One of the first foods I changed when I started on this journey was replacing my milk with almond milk. Slowly but surely, I switched to the unsweetened almond milk, and now, I’m fully granola and make my own nut milk each week. A friend of mine asked me about it and said she had no idea how to do it! It’s super easy and trust me, it tastes probably 163x (give or take a couple times) better than what you get in the grocery store, plus! you know all the ingredients in it!

Continue reading “Homemade Almond Milk (and what to do with the pulp)”

Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health

So…. tired….

Lately I’ve run into a pattern that basically amounts to me being too busy for my own good.  Unfortunately, my priorities are a little out of line and sleep seems to be what takes the brunt of the problem.  I don’t really want to admit how little sleep I’ve gotten over the past month because I know how bad it is.  Let’s just say I tend to see the later parts of the night and double digits on the clock more often than not.  (Thankfully though, I don’t see the single digits before going to sleep.) Continue reading “So…. tired….”

Diet, Food

Overnight Oats

So it’s been like two weeks.  All I can say is: busy busy busy.  Seriously.  Transitioning into a new job takes awhile.  I’m slowly getting the hang of it, but there are days when I think it’s a miracle I got anything done at home.


I was recently asked to talk more about breakfasts, but specifically breakfasts that you can grab and go. Continue reading “Overnight Oats”