Alternative Medicine, Essential Oils, Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle

Essential Oils – Peppermint

Today is all about peppermint! Along with lemon and lavender, peppermint is the third oil is the beginner’s trio of oils. Peppermint is actually the first oil I ever used, and it continues to be one of my favorite go-to oils.

If you’re jumping in today, this is post number 3. Be sure to go back and to read the post on Essential Oils 101 to learn the basics.

Each of these posts includes a “challenge” to get you to use the oils maybe in a way you haven’t. I want to help you get creative! So many oils have multiple uses, and I don’t want to forget their versatility! Be sure to follow along here this week and on Instagram by using the #lovingessentialoilweek.

Continue reading “Essential Oils – Peppermint”

Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle, Meditation, Mental Health, Running

New Years Goals 2019

Better late than never, right?

If you’ve been following along for awhile, you’ll know I post my goals for the year here. I like to do this each year for my own accountability. It’s been shown that when you write down your goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. And even further than that, when you share your goals with others, you’re more likely the achieve them. So hey, two birds, one stone by posting my goals here!

For my new friends, I like to say these are goals instead of resolutions, because it’s easier to track your success and you’ll feel more productive as you cross goals off your list. For example, instead of saying “get in shape” or “exercise more,” setting a specific goal like “go for a walk every Monday after work,” or “run in a race each month,” is actually something you can track. I also believe you should set goals that build on goals from the year before. Continue reading “New Years Goals 2019”

Diet, Food, Lifestyle

Traveling with Food Intolerances

Everyone can agree – traveling, especially planning travel, can be really stressful. Add on the stress of dealing with a food intolerance or two, and you could end up dreading travel. Fear not my fellow food intolerant friends! After traveling for the past two weeks, I’ve realized that it’s actually not that bad – and I wanted to share my tips for making the most of vacation without sacrificing your health. Continue reading “Traveling with Food Intolerances”

Diet, Lifestyle

Vegetarian – Take 2

I’m a little hesitant to share this post, as I’ve never wanted to come off as preachy here – I don’t respond well to evangelical and preachy presentations, so the last thing I want to do is come off that way myself. Rather, I hope to share my story as I’m learning how to take care of my body, hoping that my story can help someone else learn how to take care of him/herself. I also love to cook, and the joy of cooking is sharing with others, so no better place to share than here! All this being said, please know I don’t mean to preach to you as I share this 🙂

This past weekend, I was very lucky to go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef – it was an incredible experience! I went with the company Wavelength – which I highly recommend, if you make here to go. The boats are staffed with marine biologists and you learn so much in a day about the Reef and the ecosystem in North Queensland. It is pretty amazing how the three seemingly separate ecosystems (rainforest, marsh and reef) are codependent.

I learned that what we see of the Reef in advertising is manipulated (not just models are photoshopped) and that the coral reef should be earthen tones, not florescent bright colors. (Edit: for those asking why, check out this article) I was actually pretty surprised to learn that when coral is bright colors, it’s actually bad, and means the coral is stressed and/or bleaching. Bleaching is when the temperature of the water is too high for the coral to survive. There have been several serious bleaching events in the past few years, and the Reef is disappearing, each bleaching event happening closer to the one previous.

So what does this have to do with being vegetarian you might be asking at this point. I learned, or I should say, the lightbulb turned on, after hearing all this over the weekend. I’ve heard and read many times in the past year that the meat industry is a major factor in rising global average temperatures. You know, the argument about methane cow farts. 😆 There’s a lot more to it than that though, and I encourage you to check it out!

Here’s where I don’t want to come off as preachy – I’ve made the choice based on both my dietary issues, and now adding my concern for the environment. I just wanted to share why I’ve decided to try vegetarianism again – moving forward, I’ll share recipes that fit the lifestyle as well as the way my dietary issues change (for better or worse).

I’m far from an expert on all this, and if you’re interested in learning more, definitely look into it. I’ve watched some documentaries on the meat industry – they worked until they appealed to emotions, then I switched off. I’m not necessarily in this for animal rights (though it’s a nice bonus) but rather to see what it can do for my dietary health. It’s a change I can make, and it’s a small way for me to make a difference for the environment, you know, along with my metal straws and reusable cups 🤗

The Great Barrier Reef was amazing – like nothing I’ve ever seen before. But it was also pretty striking that you could see that a lot was not thriving – so much was bleached and over grown with algae. The best part though is that it can be fixed, it can be repaired. Parrotfish (some of the prettiest fish you’ll see in a coral reef) work to keep algae under control, and help create places for new coral to grow. It can be fixed, so long as bleaching doesn’t continue to get worse. Here’s the only preachy thing I’ll say – be aware of your impact on the environment, and use fewer single-use items, so we can all enjoy the planet a little more, and a little longer.

Lifestyle, Mental Health

Is this thing on?

Hi friends 🙂

It’s been much too long since we’ve chatted, and that’s all me. It’s been a bit of a hectic year for my health, and it’s been hard to get motivated to write here. But instead of giving myself too hard a time about it, I figured no better time than now to connect with you all again! Continue reading “Is this thing on?”

Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Essential Oils Week – Lavender

Next up – lavender. Lavender, like lemon, is a very commonly used oil, and one of the first oils I used when I started. It’s another very versatile oil that everyone should have when they get started.

If you’re jumping in on day 2, don’t forget to read the post on Essential Oils 101 to learn the basics.

My goal with the challenges at the end is to help you get creative! Many times, we get stuck in ruts, and forget that these oils have many uses. Be sure to follow along here this week and on Instagram by using the #lovingessentialoils.

Continue reading “Essential Oils Week – Lavender”

Diet, Food, Lifestyle, Running

But I could never be a vegetarian… or could I?

I started this blog a little over two years ago, with a goal in mind: work through my skin and digestive issues, and share the journey, hoping to reach those those who are looking for solutions and answers. Well, after two and a half years, I don’t know if I have figured out the whole problem yet, but I have found some of the triggers that make things worse.  Something is better than nothing, right? Continue reading “But I could never be a vegetarian… or could I?”

Alternative Medicine, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Back to Basics – Lemon

After talking about the basics of essential oils, I wanted to go into a little more depth into some of the most commonly used oils – what they’re for, how to use them, and a challenge for you to try!  Keep your eye out here for the Back to Basics posts over the next few weeks!

Also, be sure to read the Essential Oils 101 post to learn the basics about essential oils.

I hope these challenges will help you get creative in using your oils! Plus, I love seeing new ideas for using oils, so I’d love to hear from you and how you use your oils. Be sure to follow along here and on Instagram!

Continue reading “Back to Basics – Lemon”

Alternative Medicine, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Essential Oils 101

I talk about them quite a bit here, but I realized I never took the time to actually talk about what essential oils are or how to use them. There’s a saying in the essential oil world, “I didn’t know how to use essential oils, but then I opened the bottle!” While it is that easy to get started, there’s a little more to than that. Continue reading “Essential Oils 101”

Diet, Food

Homemade Almond Milk (and what to do with the pulp)

One of the first foods I changed when I started on this journey was replacing my milk with almond milk. Slowly but surely, I switched to the unsweetened almond milk, and now, I’m fully granola and make my own nut milk each week. A friend of mine asked me about it and said she had no idea how to do it! It’s super easy and trust me, it tastes probably 163x (give or take a couple times) better than what you get in the grocery store, plus! you know all the ingredients in it!

Continue reading “Homemade Almond Milk (and what to do with the pulp)”