Alternative Medicine, Essential Oils, Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle

Essential Oils – Peppermint

Today is all about peppermint! Along with lemon and lavender, peppermint is the third oil is the beginner’s trio of oils. Peppermint is actually the first oil I ever used, and it continues to be one of my favorite go-to oils.

If you’re jumping in today, this is post number 3. Be sure to go back and to read the post on Essential Oils 101 to learn the basics.

Each of these posts includes a “challenge” to get you to use the oils maybe in a way you haven’t. I want to help you get creative! So many oils have multiple uses, and I don’t want to forget their versatility! Be sure to follow along here this week and on Instagram by using the #lovingessentialoilweek.

Continue reading “Essential Oils – Peppermint”

Diet, Food, Lifestyle, Running

But I could never be a vegetarian… or could I?

I started this blog a little over two years ago, with a goal in mind: work through my skin and digestive issues, and share the journey, hoping to reach those those who are looking for solutions and answers. Well, after two and a half years, I don’t know if I have figured out the whole problem yet, but I have found some of the triggers that make things worse.  Something is better than nothing, right? Continue reading “But I could never be a vegetarian… or could I?”