Alternative Medicine, Essential Oils, Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle

Essential Oils – Peppermint

Today is all about peppermint! Along with lemon and lavender, peppermint is the third oil is the beginner’s trio of oils. Peppermint is actually the first oil I ever used, and it continues to be one of my favorite go-to oils.

If you’re jumping in today, this is post number 3. Be sure to go back and to read the post on Essential Oils 101 to learn the basics.

Each of these posts includes a “challenge” to get you to use the oils maybe in a way you haven’t. I want to help you get creative! So many oils have multiple uses, and I don’t want to forget their versatility! Be sure to follow along here this week and on Instagram by using the #lovingessentialoilweek.

Continue reading “Essential Oils – Peppermint”

Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle, Meditation, Mental Health, Running

New Years Goals 2019

Better late than never, right?

If you’ve been following along for awhile, you’ll know I post my goals for the year here. I like to do this each year for my own accountability. It’s been shown that when you write down your goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. And even further than that, when you share your goals with others, you’re more likely the achieve them. So hey, two birds, one stone by posting my goals here!

For my new friends, I like to say these are goals instead of resolutions, because it’s easier to track your success and you’ll feel more productive as you cross goals off your list. For example, instead of saying “get in shape” or “exercise more,” setting a specific goal like “go for a walk every Monday after work,” or “run in a race each month,” is actually something you can track. I also believe you should set goals that build on goals from the year before. Continue reading “New Years Goals 2019”

Exercise, Fitness, Mental Health, Running


Who is surprised – it’s getting warmer out, and yet again, I’m injured.  It’s the same area causing a problem, which to me says I have a chronic issue with tendonitis in my ankle.  The hardest part of this all – I knew something was wrong, but ignored it for almost two weeks before resting.  Long story short friends, if you notice swelling, get it looked at before it gets any worse. Continue reading “Setbacks”

Diet, Food, Lifestyle, Running

But I could never be a vegetarian… or could I?

I started this blog a little over two years ago, with a goal in mind: work through my skin and digestive issues, and share the journey, hoping to reach those those who are looking for solutions and answers. Well, after two and a half years, I don’t know if I have figured out the whole problem yet, but I have found some of the triggers that make things worse.  Something is better than nothing, right? Continue reading “But I could never be a vegetarian… or could I?”

Exercise, Fitness, Running


So last month, I explained the skin issues I’ve been dealing with.  I didn’t mention that I’ve also been dealing with an injury at the same time.  This injury started shortly after I got back from Colorado in June.  I went out running one day and had a terrible pain in the top of my foot – so bad I couldn’t walk properly for a few steps after I stopped running.  I was so scared I had a stress fracture… and so after much convincing from other running friends, I finally went to a physical therapist for an evaluation.

Continue reading “Recovery”

Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle, Running

Am I crazy?

Friends.  I think I might need help.

I apologize for keeping you out of the loop, because I ran two races a couple weeks ago!  I ran my second half marathon, the Rock ‘n’ Roll half in DC, followed by the Baltimore Shamrock 5k the next day.  And I PRed in both races! Continue reading “Am I crazy?”

Diet, Exercise, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle, Running, Skin

Whole30 – Week 3

While reading the Whole30 book today, I found that my favorite part is the “what you’ll probably experience over the 30 days.”  I noticed that I have followed the pattern (a little) that is laid out in the book.  In it, it says probably around days 12-15, you will dream about food.

YUP.  I dreamt about food on about day 15.  and not even food I have all that often!  I dreamt about ice cream.  You know, when you get a brand new container, and the first scoop is always so satisfying to take?  Yeah, THAT was what I dreamt about.  Thankfully, that was only one night.  Otherwise, no dreaming of food. Continue reading “Whole30 – Week 3”

Diet, Exercise, Fitness, Food, Running

Whole30 – Week 1

As I said in my previous post about New Year’s goals, one of my goals is to SOLVE my digestive issues.  I have some idea of what is wrong, but I’m still not quite sure.  Cue Whole30.  I’ve seen some posts about Whole30 on Pinterest and Instagram, but I didn’t really know what it was.  So I looked into a bit, and thought it might be a good option for me to try, as it might be able to help me figure out what foods cause issues. Continue reading “Whole30 – Week 1”

Diet, Essential Oils, Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle, Meditation, Mental Health, Running, Skin


Happy New Year!!
First, apologies for the lack of updates recently. As I explained in my previous post about sleep, and what I’ll also detail below, I’ve had quite a bit going on. Here’s to a new year with more blog posts! Continue reading “Resolutions”