Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Essential Oils Week – Lavender

Next up – lavender. Lavender, like lemon, is a very commonly used oil, and one of the first oils I used when I started. It’s another very versatile oil that everyone should have when they get started.

If you’re jumping in on day 2, don’t forget to read the post on Essential Oils 101 to learn the basics.

My goal with the challenges at the end is to help you get creative! Many times, we get stuck in ruts, and forget that these oils have many uses. Be sure to follow along here this week and on Instagram by using the #lovingessentialoils.

Continue reading “Essential Oils Week – Lavender”

Essential Oils, Lifestyle

Natural Wellness

Lately, I’ve been getting questions about incorporating essential oils into daily life, and I thought I would share a little about my journey with oils, and invite anyone interested to send me questions!  I don’t know all the answers, but I have a TON of resources I am happy to share!

Continue reading “Natural Wellness”

Diet, Essential Oils, Exercise, Fitness, Lifestyle, Meditation, Mental Health, Running, Skin


Happy New Year!!
First, apologies for the lack of updates recently. As I explained in my previous post about sleep, and what I’ll also detail below, I’ve had quite a bit going on. Here’s to a new year with more blog posts! Continue reading “Resolutions”

Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Mental Health

So…. tired….

Lately I’ve run into a pattern that basically amounts to me being too busy for my own good.  Unfortunately, my priorities are a little out of line and sleep seems to be what takes the brunt of the problem.  I don’t really want to admit how little sleep I’ve gotten over the past month because I know how bad it is.  Let’s just say I tend to see the later parts of the night and double digits on the clock more often than not.  (Thankfully though, I don’t see the single digits before going to sleep.) Continue reading “So…. tired….”